- The large metacarpal bone of an ox is also referred to as the __________ bone.
- The large metacarpal bone of an ox represents the __________ and __________ metacarpal bones.
- The shaft of the large metacarpal bone of an ox is __________ in shape.
- The anterior surface of the shaft is convex from __________ to __________.
- A vertical groove runs along the __________ of the anterior surface.
- The posterior surface of the shaft is __________ and __________ at both ends.
- The superior sesamoidean ligament is accommodated by the __________ surface of the shaft.
- The proximal end of the large metacarpal bone presents two articular facets: __________ and __________.
- The medial facet of the proximal end articulates with the __________ and __________ fused carpal bones.
- The small metacarpal bone of an ox is located at the __________ aspect of the large metacarpal bone.
- In the horse, the large metacarpal bone represents the __________ metacarpal.
- The two small metacarpal bones in the horse represent the __________ and __________ metacarpals.
- The small metacarpal bones in the horse are also known as __________ bones.
- In the dog, the __________ and __________ metacarpals are the largest.
- The first metacarpal in the dog is the __________.
- In the dog, the distal ends of the metacarpals bear a __________ at the middle.
- The pig has __________ metacarpal bones, as the first is absent.
- In pigs, the __________ and __________ metacarpals are small and placed caudally.
- In fowls, three metacarpal bones (I, II, and III) are fused with the __________ row of carpal bones.
- The fused metacarpals in fowls form a structure known as __________.